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Last Bag Night

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

At midnight, between Tuesday, February 29th and Wednesday, February 20th, The Force Team had their last Bag Night, a tradition originating 17 years ago that occurs annually on Stop Build Day. Two bags were used, one for pre-made spare parts, and one for Mercury, configured after several tests using the team's homemade field elements. The team celebrated the event with dinner, cake, cheering, and some singing as well! The next several weeks before the team's first official event will be dedicated to learning as much as they can with the practice robot (drive team practice, LiDAR, vision tracking, autonomous, weight allocation, gearbox optimization, materials studies, bumper mounting, etc.), Freddie, to be able to maximize the un-bag time allotted in the 7 days prior to their first district event. In addition to robots, The Force Team is also preparing branded apparel, merchandise, pamphlets, and resources to teach team members and the local community about the robot.

2019 Bag Night FRC1073

Members from all team subgroups worked together until midnight to see Mercury safely into the bag for the team's last bag night ever, February 19th, 2019.

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